
My new nephew

Welcome to my new baby nephew: Jayce K. Rogers!! He was born 7.10.10 at 1:16pm. He weighed in at 7lb 13oz and was 20 in. long!

Audrey loves her new cousin! Anytime he is around and she sees him, she will run up to him saying, 'BABY! BABY!'. It makes me happy that she always wants to see Jayce and want to kiss his toes and be a good big cousin instead of being a little stinker and not want anything to do with him at all.

Seeing Jenny go through her pregnancy and birth made me want to look back at all the photos of Audrey as a baby. It makes me all teary eyed to look back at all the photos and videos I have of her as a baby and just realizing that I DON'T have a baby anymore. I have a toddler. *sniff* She is just growing up too fast! It Literally FLEW right by! I just love her to pieces!

I cannot get enough of my new nephew! He is just the cutest thing ever! I am so PROUD to be an aunt of three boys! I love them all!

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