I had my last OB appt. at 1:30 over at Rockwood. I decided to wear the same outfit that I wore for my other appt. at St. Vincent when I last got admitted to the hospital. I thought it would be funny if I were to get admitted again wearing that same outfit. Anyway, we got to my appt. and the nurse took me back and took my bp and weight. My blood pressure was high this time, a lot higher than it ever has been through out my entire pregnancy. I also had lost one pound since my last appt. which put me at gaining a total of 25 pounds. My OB measured and felt the baby and listened to her heartbeat which is always good and strong. She asked me if I wanted her to check my cervix and I said yes. I wanted to see if I have had any change since the last time. She felt me at being 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced and I was also having some contractions. She wanted to send me to Sunnyside to be under observation to see how far apart my contractions were since I still couldn't feel them. On my way there, my mom asked me if there was anything I wanted to do before we went to the hospital and possibly having Audrey that day. I said I wanted to go to Babies r' Us and look for something for Audrey to give to her when she was born. I really wanted to go eat something because I hadn't eaten all day. I finally found a stuffed elephant/blanket thing that says 'Mommy loves me' on it. Of course, my mom had to get some things as well. When we arrived they put me into a triage room (2) and hooked me up to the contraction and baby's heartbeat monitors. The midwife came in and checked my cervix again and felt me to be 5cm as well and saw that I was continually having contractions so they decided to admit me. I was taken to room 3 in labor and delivery and was hooked up to the monitors again. I was wanting to watch tv but my tv didn't have cable only the generic channels which totally sucked! I was looking forward to watching What Not To Wear and other TLC programs. So, later on that night the midwife that was on duty that night came in and introduced herself. She checked my cervix and said that I was only 4cm dilated and because I wasn't feeling my contractions, I wasn't in active labor and decided to discharge me. She didn't want to keep me there because it was very busy that night. I felt that she just didn't want to deal with me so she sent me home. So, at 12:30am they sent me home. I was not very happy. I was tired, uncomfortable, cold, and hungry. My mom stopped by McDonald's on the way home to get me something to eat. When we got home, Julie was still up so we all went into the family room and talked while I ate. We all finally went to bed around 1:30-2. I pretty much just threw my clothes on the floor after changing into my pj's and tossed my hospital bag aside because I was too tired to redo my bag and hang up my clothes.
At my last OB appt:
On our way to the Hospital:
Saturday, February 14th:
My mom still had to get things for Jenny's birthday on the 16th so her and my dad got up early to do that and run some other errands. They were also going out for breakfast for their Valentine's day thing since they had to babysit Jaden that night. I woke up and wasn't feeling too good. I didn't really know why but I wanted to go upstairs and lay on bed with my mom and talk to her. Well, as I was going upstairs, my parents were coming downstairs to leave. My mom asked me if there was something wrong but I just told her that I wanted to lay on her bed and talk to her. So, my parents left and I went back downstairs and got back into my bed. Probably not even 10-15 later, at about 10:30am, I had a very sharp pain in my stomach. I walked it off and decided that that was all of it. But I kept having those pains. I can't even describe what kind of pain that I was in. I remember reading to drink water and walk around if you think you are in labor, so I did that. But that wasn't doing anything. I was screaming at the top of my lungs every time I had a contraction. It seemed like after I had just finished having one, another one would come. I think that I woke Jaden up because Julie came down about 15 minutes after I started having contractions. She asked me if I was in labor and I told her I think that I was. I said I've been trying to call my parents but couldn't get them to answer. I asked her why she hadn't heard me screaming and she said that the fan in her room drowns out everything. Julie then basically dropped Jaden out of her hands and ran upstairs to try and call my parents again. Jaden was such a big boy and tried to make me smile and laugh. He followed me everywhere that I went to make sure that I was ok. Julie finally got a hold of my dad and was yelling that they needed to come home right away, that I was in labor. He thought it was a joke and Julie told him that she wasn't kidding and that they needed to come now. My parents were at 202nd and Glisean. My mom called me and tried to get me to calm down and to breathe. When they got home, Jaden was at the bottom of the stairs yelling 'grandma grandma' and pointing at my room telling her to come down and help me. My mom called 911, when somebody finally arrived, my contractions were very strong and close together. While my mom was talking to the operator, I walked to my bathroom and trew up all the water that I had drank earlier. I guess that is why it says not to eat or drink when you are in labor. My mom got me to go back to my room and lay down. At that time, the ambulance and firemen came. I guess I had like 6-7 firemen in my room and my mom told me that they were all very cute. I didn't notice or care because hello, I'm in labor and screaming at the top of my lungs. The ambulance guy came and I told him that I was at the hospital yesterday but they sent me home. He asked me if they checked my cervix yesterday and I said yes, they measured it to be 4-5cm. He was asking me what I wanted to do, if I wanted them to drive me to the Hospital or if I could just have my mom drive me. At that point, I really didn't care. I just got up off of my bed and said 'I don't care how I get there, somebody just get me there!' So, the ambulance guy helped me up the stairs and out of the house. I finally got to the hospital and they put me in a triage room and the nurse checked my cervix and measured me to be 9 cm dilated and they rushed me to a delivery room. The midwife came in and I think that she checked my cervix as well, and all I was saying was that I wanted some kind of pain relief now. She told me that I wasn't able to get any because I was too far along and it would harm the baby. My mom said that she thought that I would lose it after she told me that but said that as soon as I realized that I had to do it all 'natural', I calmed down and did what I had to do. I really don't remember much after this. They transfered me to the delivery bed and got me all set up to deliver. As soon as I got on to the bed, all I remember doing from that point on was pushing. All I was focused on was getting this baby OUT! I pushed for 2 1/2 hours and out popped Audrey at 2:38pm.
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