
Things Are All Coming Together...

Well, for the past couple of weeks, my mom and I have been getting my room ready for Audrey to join me in there. I went through my whole closet and got rid of a bunch of clothes that I never wear anymore and put away clothes that are for the summer. I also just got rid of a bunch of junk that I just don't do anything with and taking up a lot of space. Tonight we are going to Ikea to get some more things for Audrey. I am going to be putting her dresser/changing table in my closet. My mom painted the inside of my closet white and I think Bryan going to draw her name on the wall in there. The closet doors don't work in our house, they always fall off of the lining or whatever it's called, so mine are completely off and I have curtains to cover up what is in my closet. I am going to get these new curtains at Ikea to match her stuff and tie them back. My closet is set up so that you hang the clothes on the side of it instead directly in front of you so that makes it so I can put the changing table in there. I only have a bassinet up in my room right now. Julie and Jenny used this instead of the crib for like 3 months after the boys were born, so I can wait on putting up a crib.

My dresser broke sometime in the summer so I am going to get a new one at Ikea tonight as well. I just been using tubber wear containers to hold my jeans and stuff. I am pretty excited to be getting a new dresser so I won't have to use those anymore. Everything will just look a lot nicer and put together than it has been in a couple of months. I am getting really excited to start putting all of these things together.


26 Weeks

Yesterday I had an appointment at St. Vincent. They were measuring the baby today, so I got to see a lot of the baby and how much she has grown. Her heart rate was 140 bpm and she is 1lb & 15oz. I have gained two pounds since my last appointment so I am now up to 12lbs that I have gained so far. At one point during the ultrasound of the baby, the nurse turned the picture to 3d. That was really cool to see Audrey in some kind a 3d form. I got to see the definition of her nose and mouth. At one point, she was smacking her lips and swallowing. Then out of the blue she smiled! The nurse got a picture of that. That was just really neat and made my day.

After the ultrasound of the baby, we got to my favorite part, checking my cervix. They had a hard time measuring my cervix this time as well. It kept fluctuating short and then long. . The doctor is not worried about it though because the shortest it is measured, it about the same as before, about 1.8. She still wants to see me every week until I get to about 28-30 weeks.

After my appointment, my mom and I went to the library to get some books for me to read. I am trying to find things to do while I am on bed rest. More than just watching movies. I am knitting Jenny a scarf and my mom threw out the idea that I make a blanket for Audrey. I have yet to go to the store to find so yarn so that I can get started on that.


I have finally made up my mind!!!

After months of trying to find a name for the baby, I have finally settled on one. We are going to name her Audrey Kay. Nickname Auddie for short. Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress. I love anything to do with her! I gave her my middle name Kay. I am so relieved now that I have a name for her. I can start to bond with her in a new way now by calling her by her first name!